Yesterday I got Rancher Desktop running, solved an unbuildable Dockerfile issue with some help on Slack and dove into a Certificate issue. Today I’ll be continuing with figuring out how to pull from a repository with a self signed CA certificate and I’ll try to get an operator running.
This is part 2 of a series where I am trying out Rancher Desktop as a replacement for Docker Desktop.
- Part 1 can be found here:
Turns out my hunch from yesterday was wrong. A restart didn’t solve the certificate issue, so we’re starting with that today. I do another ps aux|grep lima
to get the SSH command to login to the Alpine instance (the K3S host). I check the contents of /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ca.crt
where our cert should end up and notice that it’s base64 encoded. That’s not what I expected… I check my resources and notice that I am using a Configmap for storing the CA cert. In contrast to a secret, a configmap’s data element is not supposed to contain base64 content. There is a binaryData field that should support base64 encoded content, but even though it documented it doesn’t seem to work the same as the normal data field as I can’t get it to load the data into an ENV variable in my container. I decide to take the easy road and just use a secret instead of a configmap.
This is what I end up with:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: trusted-ca
ca.crt: <base64 encoded Ca cert>
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: setup-script
data: |
echo "$TRUSTED_CERT" > /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ca.crt && update-ca-certificates
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
name: node-custom-setup
k8s-app: node-custom-setup
k8s-app: node-custom-setup
k8s-app: node-custom-setup
hostPID: true
hostNetwork: true
- name: init-node
command: ["nsenter"]
args: ["--mount=/proc/1/ns/mnt", "--", "sh", "-c", "$(SETUP_SCRIPT)"]
image: debian
name: trusted-ca
key: ca.crt
name: setup-script
privileged: true
- name: wait
I need to restart K3S now, the easiest way of doing that is just quiting Rancher Desktop (right click on the MacOS top menu bar item) and starting it back up. After running this I can see the certificate changing to a proper crt file in the Alpine shell I still have open. I delete the pod that was unable to pull, it gets recreated by the deployment and this time it starts up!
Next up is the operator. I am running the Percona for MongoDB Operator which actually runs without any problems. I can deploy a mongodb cluster from a custom helm chart, but hit some minor issues that I could have expected:
- I need to change the storage class to “local-path” because there is no “default”
- I need to set antiAffinity to “none” because there is just one host
- I need to update the amount of available CPU for the cluster.
This last item can be done through the Docker Desktop GUI, but does reset the cluster which does never work the first time for me and needs to be retried a second time. This also states that we will lose all configuration and workloads, so good thing we have everything stored in code! Not only do you lose everything in the local filesystem, also all deployments, secrets etc. are lost. After applying everything again and restarting Rancher Desktop (fr the CA cert) I can deploy my whole mongodb cluster and everything seems to be running fine!
That’s it for today. I don’t have any other things I wanted to test, but if there is something I missed let me know! You can contact me on twitter @yarontal.
After linking to this post on the Rancher Desktop Slack I got some feedback. Matt Farina:
Thanks for documenting this. We’re working on having Rancher Desktop use the CAs of the system it’s running on. That should be in the next release.
Also the next issue I was hitting was authenticated pulls from a private registry. That should be fixed in KIM and should also come to Rancher Desktop soon!